
Software Freedom Day @ Alexandria University 2011

Finally You can register now and pick up your seat in the most exciting event, Software Freedom Day @ Alexandria University 2011. The event will last for 3 days from 23/8 to 25/8, each day we will have 3 session. There will be a workshop and a contest, don't miss that, Make sure that you will enjoy your time and benefit. It will be in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
You can now register here.
Don't forget to invite all of your friends, it's gonna be lots of fun.
Registration will be closed next Friday 19/8/2011 isA.
Hope see all of you there. for more information you can contact us on FaceBook.


دينى حياتى

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هذه أول تدوينة لي باللغة العربية هنا, فقررت أن يكون عنوانها حياتى أو بمعنى أصح دينى على اسم ال تصنيف الذى ستدون فيه لأن فعلا ديتى هو حياتى. فى الآونة الأخيرة تعرضت لبعض الابتلااءت فى مختلف مجالات حياتى -ومازلت- الحمد لله. وما يواسينى ويثابرنى هو اللجوء إلى ربى والعودة الصادقة لنهج حياتى الصحيح الذى يهون على كل عسير فإنا لله إنا إليه راجعون. قررت ان اكتب هذه التدوينة لكى تكون بداية لجمع مايعجبنى من أناشيد ,أدعية , شعر أوخواطر. سأبدا بما يتعلق بالبلاء حلقة من برنامج ثورة على النفس للداعية معز مسعود اثرت في نفسى بشدة رائعة بكل ماتحمله الكلمة من معنى
عنوانها سخط القدر

وهذا نشيد رائع كلمات : الامام عبـدالله الحداد [رحمه الله]

قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري = فدعائي وابتهالي شاهدٌ لي بافتقاري
ولهذا السر أدعو في يساري وعساري = أنا عبدٌ صار فخري ضمن فقري واضطراري

[قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري]

يا إلهي ومليكي أنت تعلم كيف حالي = وبما قد حل قلبي من همومٍ واشتغال
فتداركني بلطف منك يا مولى الموالي = يا كريم الوجه غثني قبل أن يفنى اصطباري

[قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري]

يا سريع الغوث غوثاً منك يدركنا سريعاً = يهزم العُسر ويأتي بالذي نرجو جميعاً
يا قريباً يا مجيباً يا عليماً يا سميعاً = قد تحققت بعجزي وخضوعي وانكساري

[قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري]

لم أزل بالباب واقف فارحمن ربي وقوفي = وبوادي الفضل عاكف فأدم ربي عكوفي
ولحسن الظن لازم فهو خِلّي وحليفي وأنيسي وجليسي = طول ليلي ونهاري

[قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري]

حاجة في النفس يا رب فاقضها يا خير قاضي = وأرح سِري وقلبي من لظاها والمضى بي
في سرورٍ وحبورٍ وإذا ما كنت راضِ= فالهنا والبَسط حالي وشعاري ودثاري

[قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري]

سنلتقى إن شاء الله مع خاطرة آخرى ... استودعكم الله


Software Freedom Day @ Alexandria University 2011

Well, Here we come with the most exciting event ever in Alexandria. Software Freedom Day will be held again during this summer vacation isA.
Let's begin from the start, what is Open Source?, what is the story?, why is it very broad as it is? , ... and lots of random thoughts we will configure right now.

Sometimes most of us are in dead need of a program, service, ..etc which isn't free and its cost is very high or I'm not ready now. Really very annoying problem that one can't bear - I tried it myself several times and It was a impasse for me. The Open Source Community gave the world the key. They gave us the solution, They make us free of the closed source and profit companies restrictions!! The Open Source Community give you what you want for free!! YES, It's for free, Don't be surprised, you'll get the point when you attend the event.

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of free and Open Source Software (FOSS). SFD is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use.

The goal of this celebration is to teach the worldwide about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home and in business really everywhere!! It targets everyone who is interested in FOSS technology and of course everyone who haven't any background of Open Source. That is our mission to teach ,help ,co-operate with you with all possible means to increase the awareness of open source software among our community.
We will spread the word of FOSS to everyone and everywhere, supplying you with all what you need for a begin, providing the public with information about open source and encouraging adoption of free software and open standards.

The idea of SFD is for everyone without a vested interest in proprietary software to unite and educate the world about the ideals of Software Freedom and the practical benefits of Free Software. August 28th, 2004, was the first ever Software Freedom Day Since that time it has grown in popularity and we are continuing isA.

We wish that you get benefit from each minute with us.
It’s free, and seats are limited so please hurry up and register once the registration starts It will start soon isA. We will notify you with Date and Place ASAP isA.
For more information you can visit Software Freedom Day and OSUM Club.
See you there isA, Happy Software Freedom Day :)


Location Validation Training

well , It's been a very long time since i wrote here .That term was full of hard working , worry and surprises .Finally the summer vacation came ,but its grows very fast . Now,i have met a task :( in my busy summer .Dr/ mostafa el_na3na3y combined groups from second year students for specific tasks in new fields for us -black berry ,sms , Location validation -
i was in the Location validation team .My team works on a project that is almost like my map project in Googlemaps .
this system can show the map and finds directions between palces , it enables searching about places and other features ... I hope that it grow rapidly .


Mini Paint

Finally , mid-term exams were finished and we took 10 days vacation ( with respect to us CSDians ) .
welcome my Bed , lab , TV .
As usual our staff can't leave us without pressure ,so we have a lot and a lot of deliveries .
regardless that i 'll take about my last lab OOP delivery it was small program that can draw shapes .
First ,i was really worried ,but finally i could do it (el7amdo LLLah) and also could enhance it with some features .
It is considered very dull ,but it's my joy with my first external program :D .
Now i'll let u with some shortcuts of it :

after pressing REFRESH button :


Google Fast Flip

In 9/14/2009 Google has announced the public availability of another one of its Google Labs projects—one that aims to improve efficiency in reading content on the web . Google Fast Flip
accessible at .
Fast Flip enables you to flip through articles really fast without unnatural delays .
It lets you rapidly flip forward to the content you like, without the constant wait for things to load. Imagine taking 10 seconds to turn the page of a print magazine !!!!
At the same time, It provides aggregation and search over many top newspapers and magazines, and the ability to share content with friends and community.
The front page of Fast Flip presents you with several rows of content that can be sorted by topic—the top row lets you choose between recent, most viewed, and recommended headlines, while the second row lets you choose between various hot topics . and the third row lets you choose between specific news sources .
Now , browsing the news is easier than any other time . well done Google always forward :D .


Linux Kernel Story

I won't talk about Linus Torvalds as a human but as a famous computer programmer - the most famous programmer at all - Who is Linus ?!! ...... and How did he become famous ?!! .... here I will try to answer these questions .

Linus Torvalds is the world's most famous computer programmer . He is the founder and coordinator of Linux , the Unix-like operating system that is beginning to revolutionize the computer industry and possibly much else as well . He is truly one of the great tales in the history of the computers .
Linus Torvalds was born on December 28, 1969 in Helsinki, Finland . He was named after Linus Pauling , the famous physical chemist and Nobel Prize winner. Linus took an early interest in computers mainly through the influence of his maternal grandfather - a professor of statistics at the University of Helsinki .

Linus Torvalds enrolled at the University of Helsinki in 1988 where he studied computer science.
In 1987 Torvalds used his savings to buy his first computer , a Sinclair QL . This was one of the world's first 32-bit computers for home use . however he soon became unhappy with it because of it could not be reprogrammed due to the operating system residing in ROM (read-only memory) . Torvalds was disappointed with the MS-DOS operating system that came with it. That operating system had not advanced sufficiently .

He thus strongly preferred the much more powerful and stable UNIX operating system that he had become accustomed to using on the university's computers . Torvalds attempted to obtain a version of UNIX for his new computer . he could not find even a basic system for less than US$5,000. He also considered MINIX, a small clone of UNIX that was created by operating systems expert , although much more powerful than MS-DOS and designed to run on Intel x86 processors, MINIX still had some serious disadvantages . They included the facts that not all of the source code was made public , it lacked some of the features and performance of UNIX and there was a not-insignificant (although cheaper than many other operating systems) licensing fee .

In 1990 he took his first class in the C programming language, the language that he would soon use to write the Linux kernel (i.e., the core of the operating system).

Source code is the version of software (e.g., an operating system or an application program) as it is originally written (i.e., typed into a computer) by a human using a programming language (such as assembly, BASIC, C or Java) and before it is compiled (i.e., converted by a compiler) into machine language, which the processor (but not humans) can understand directly. Having the source code is necessary in order to study or improve software. A highly skilled programmer such as Torvalds can easily become bored and frustrated with software for which the source code is not available .

So , Torvalds decided to create a new operating system from scratch that was based on both MINIX and UNIX.
Torvalds decided to take a break and devote his full attention to his project.
in 1991 he announced his initial creation on the MINIX newsgroup comp.os.minix :

From: (Linus Benedict Torvalds)
To: Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: What would you like to see most in minix?
Summary: small poll for my new operating system

Hello everybody out there using minix-

I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386 (486) AT clones. This has been brewing since april, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-sytem due to practical reasons)among other things.

I've currently ported bash (1.08) an gcc (1.40), and things seem to work. This implies that i'll get something practical within a few months, and I'd like to know what features most people want.

Any suggestions are welcome, but I won't promise I'll implement them :-)

Linus Torvalds

after a period of self-imposed isolation he completed his project . Yes !!!!!!!! he did it and achieved Unprecedented success . He decided to release Linux under the GPL (GNU General Public License) rather than under the more restrictive license that he had earlier planned -Code licensed under the GNU GPL can be used in other projects- Developed by Richard Stallman, a notable programmer and a leading advocate of free software, this most popular of the free software licenses allows anyone to study, use, modify, extend and redistribute the software as long as they make the source code freely available for any modified versions that they create and then redistribute .

Torvalds originally gave his new operating system the working name Linux (from Linus' MINIX) .
and gave it the the penguin as logo ,he liked them alot and to make that kind of goofy and fun .
Finally , I can say that Linux is a new birth had just been announced in the open source world .